Academic Area: Biomedical Sciences
Project Leader: Isabel HWANG
Format of the MM: Animation, self-assessment, exploration activities
Purpose of the MM:
Provide revision tool for students in asynchronous manner.
How the MM is used in teaching:
Flipped learning: Students test their skills or knowledge way before they begin the topic-specific lectures.
Reviewers’ comments on the MM
Instructional Design:
“The MM consists of interactive elements, such as action and information features. They enhance engagement and help students visualize the key biochemical process.”
“Specific learning objectives are presented at the beginning of the MM. In addition, tips and reminders are summarised at the end, so that new learners could follow without major issue.”
Subject Content:
“The content is quite sufficient as a lot of basic concepts about blood flow, resistance, and pressure are introduced. The examples and analogies were appropriately chosen to illustrate abstract concepts.”